As Jay Papasan discussed, at this point in your life, you've probably achieved many of your professional and personal goals. However, I’m curious—have some of your most important goals and dreams eluded you?
Can you describe or name that ONE Thing in your life that you have not accomplished just yet?
Get started with the FREE transcript from Jay's interview to help you accomplish those goals and dreams that have eluded you.
The ONE Thing has been a #1 best-selling book for the last several years because it has transformed so many lives and organizations, especially mine.
I had a vision for my life and achieved success in many areas including investment and commercial real estate, international business, and consulting. However, The ONE Thing showed me why I have not succeeded at the level I am capable of. As a result of The ONE Thing workshop I attended (and am now licensed to teach), I became purposeful and was able to break through and embrace my life’s calling through the World Peace Center.
Complete the form to get your FREE transcript to find and start living your Passion & Purpose!